Harvey History Online, in conjunction with the Harvey Visitor Centre, has published two books which are a valuable resource to anyone with an interest in the history of the Harvey District. They contain many images and are printed on good quality paper.
- Heritage Within the Harvey Shire
- Reflections Within the Harvey Shire
They are for sale at:
Harvey Visitor Centre, 285 South Western Highway, Harvey, WA, 6220. Telephone: 08 9729 1122.
Email: info@harveytourism.com
Australind Timeless Wares, ‘Henton Cottage’,
Shop 11, Australind Shopping Centre, Australind, WA, 6233. Telephone: 08 9796 0122. Facebook: Australind Timeless Wares Antiques & Collectables.
Available at a bargain price – $20 each. Postage and handling additional, if applicable
The above books and those listed below are available through the State Library of Western Australia and can be ordered through your local library. Refer to your librarians or visit the State Library site at http://henrietta.liswa.wa.gov.au/
They Made Their Destiny, History of Settlement, Shire of Harvey, 1829 – 1929 by AC Staples.
A comprehensive history of Harvey Shire’s first 100 years.
A valuable resource.
Shire of Harvey, Proud to be 100, Centennial Book by Centennial Book Committee.
Gives a brief history of the following localities: Yarloop, Cookernup, Warrawarrup, Uduc, Harvey, Wokalup, Benger, Brunswick, Australind, Binningup, Myalup and some of the timber mills.
A valuable resource.
Not indexed
Food grows where water flows: a social history of irrigation and drainage in the Harvey Water Irrigation Area of Western Australia by Marion Lofthouse and Geoff Calder.
Comprehensive history of draining and irrigation in the region.
Not indexed.
Voices from the tomb: a biographical dictionary of the 62 Fenians transported to Western Australia by Liam Barry.
Includes short biographies of priests who feature in the stories of the 62 Fenians.
Laporte: a history of the Australind Titanium Dioxide Project by PT O’Shaughnessy.
Interesting history of the company and the plant.
Yarloop: there was no better place, the history of a timber town by Geoff Fortune.
Not indexed
Race for the Catalpa (The Fenian Escape Story) by George Russo.
Background information including a radio play and ballads of the Fenian Escape from Fremantle Goal.
A Friend Indeed, Louisa Clifton of Australind WA by George Russo
A biography of Louisa Clifton. An interesting social history of a woman who was the daughter of Marshall Waller Clifton, the Chief Commissioner of the failed Western Australian Company and the wife of George Eliot, the Resident magistrate in Bunbury. Indexed
A Fine Country to Starve In by Geoffrey Bolton.
Describes the depression years in Western Australia. In the chapter ‘The Anatomy of Hardship’, Myalup and Stonehouse Sustenance Camps, where men dug a channel to divert the course of the Harvey River to drain the land, are discussed.
Old Australind Recalled by R. Bingham Clifton.
Published as a contribution to WA’s sesquicentennial celebrations.
Very brief history of Australind with plan and description of the proposed settlement and memorial plaque inscription.
Binningup: The History compiled by Alice Crook
Originally published as a Bicentennial Project and updated for Binningup’s 50th year celebrations in 2005.
A Story is Told: Internment – Truth, Memory and Reconciliation compiled and edited by Sr. Mary Cabrini Fontana
Includes some history of the Harvey Internment Camp and list of internees.
Western Australia as it is today – 1906, Leopoldo Zunini Royal Consol of Italy. Edited and translated by Margot Melia and Richard Bosworth.
Zunini records his observations of Western Australia in 1906. He attended the Harvey Agricultural Show on 22 September and visited Mr. Smith’s well tended orchard.
Chapter headings are comprehensive but no indexes.
Oldham – Murphy by Eileen Tucker.
William Oldham, a convict, and Elizabeth Murphy met, married and had most of their offspring at Spring Hill, Australind. Family history of known descendants and their stories to 1987.
Excellent Connections, Bunbury 1836 – 1990 by Anthony J Barker & Maxine Laurie. Although this is the history of Bunbury, both events and personalities transcend boundaries.
Bunbury: some early history by Theodora Sanders.
The Australind Journals of Marshall Waller Clifton 1840-1861 edited by Phyllis Barnes, JMR Cameron and HA Willis with Ian Berryman and Andrew Gill.
An excellent reference for the first 20 years of the Australind Settlement.
The Frys of Shenfield and Crendon by June Scott.
A family history of a pioneering farming family.
When blue was true: a brief history of the Brunswick area by Bernie Stanley.
Mornington as I knew it by Val Fortune.
The Legend: a story of a country doctor by Geoff Fortune.
Explores the many talents of Dr Ronald Barrington Knight of Yarloop.