We have the deepest regret to announce the death of another old and respected resident of the South West, in the person of Mr. Marshall Waller Clifton, who died in the Perth hospital about six o’clock this morning from consumption of the throat.
During the recent Parliamentary election campaign he caught a severe cold, from which the disease appears to have developed. A very short time prior to his death he went to Northam, thinking that the change would be beneficial, but with such rapidity did the disease make headway that it was found necessary to remove him to the Perth Hospital, where, as above stated he died this morning.
Mr. Clifton who was born at ‘Alverstoke’ on the 14 July 1842 was a son of the late Mr. Robert Wm Clifton, of Australind. He was one of the best known and most popular residents of the South-West. He was educated at Bunbury and at Bishop’s College, Perth.
On leaving school, he entered into farming pursuits at Wokalup, Harvey. After many years he accepted the appointment of Sub-Inspector of Police and was stationed in Perth and Bunbury. The work not being congenial to him, he resigned and returned to Wokalup, where he resided up to the time of his death.
About 30 years ago, he married his cousin Louisa, daughter of Mr. Wm. Clifton manager, for the P. & O. Co. at Albany. He was possessed of a genial and kindly disposition, which secured him many friends wherever he went. He was always identified with every public movement and for many years held a commission in the military forces of the State.
He leaves a large grown up family to mourn his loss.
(Southern Times, 20 September 1904)