Left London September 1840
Arrived Port Leschenault (Bunbury) December 1840
Name, Occupation, Age
Dr Carr
Mr James Gardner Austin & his wife Mary Anne Austin, Chief Surveyor
Thomas Greensill, assistant surveyor
Thomas Walter Thompson, surveyor
Henry Gaudin, assistant surveyor
Thomas Treen, surveyor
John Harrison, assistant surveyor
Henry Smith (known as Sir John), surveyor
Harley Robert Johnson, surveyor
Frederick Humphries Humphr(e)y
Robert Austin, assistant surveyor, son of James and Mary
Michael Shinnick, whitesmith, 25
William Joyce, blacksmith, 19
Benjamin Elmes, blacksmith, 24
David Benjamin, cabinet maker, 23
Richard Ashford, shoemaker, 25
William Moriarty, bricklayer, 26
William Wilson, labourer, 17
Henry Roberts, labourer, 32
William Dixon, carpenter & gardener, 25
Francis Kemp, agric. labourer, 20
James Alexander Baines, cabinet maker
Emma Terry, servant to Mrs Austin, 16
5 other labourers unnamed
This list is compiled from The History of the Harvey District, written by AC Staples in 1950. Names obtained by eliminating the ‘Parkfield’ passengers from the complete list of names included in Clifton’s first report 28:5:1841, WA Company Commissioner’s Letter Book.
Further information – Phyllis Barnes, JMR Cameron and HA Willis (Eds), The Australind Journals of Marshall Waller Clifton 1840 – 1861, Hesperian Press, Carlisle, WA, 2010.