Elizabeth Aitken – Death Notice
AITKEN – on July 30 1917, at St. Omer Private Hospital, Perth, W.A., Elizabeth, dearly beloved wife of Alexander Aitken, of Wagerup, late of Yannathan, Victoria, Mother of Elizabeth, James, Isaac, Alex, William, Mrs. Thompson (of Hamel), and Mrs. W. J. Phillips, ‘Dandenong’, Monmouth Street, North Perth. Melbourne “Age” and “Dandenong Advertiser” (Victoria) please copy. (West Australian, 1 August 1917.)
Alexander Aitken (c1840 – 1920) – Obituary
It is reported by our Yarloop correspondent that Mr Alexander Aitken took suddenly ill on Tuesday. Matron Nicholl was summoned to attend on him, whilst Dr S. Crownson Joel, of Bunbury, was telegraphed for. Unfortunately, Mr Aitken, who had attained the good age of 80 years, never rallied, passing away peace fully on Wednesday. The late Mr Aitken, who was one of the oldest residents of Wagerup, lost his wife about two years ago. They are survived by seven children, four sons and three daughters, who are all grown up. The eldest daughter has been at home, looking after her aged parent, whilst two of the sons have been looking after the farm. The funeral takes place tomorrow afternoon, the cortege leaving Wagerup at one o’clock for Cookernup Cemetery. (Bunbury Herald and Blackwood Express, 10 September 1920.)
This advertisement gives a good description of the Aitken property in 1921 when it was up for sale following Alexander Aitken’s death.
Being Harvey “A” Areas, Nos. 173, 174, 175, and 92, containing 513 Acres.
JAMES HAIR has been favoured with instructions from the West Australian Trustee, Executor, and Agency Company, Ltd., as Executor under the Will of Alex. Aitken (deceased), to SELL as above. The property is adjoining the Wagerup Railway Station, and is one mile from Yarloop. It is very highly improved and subdivided into 12 paddocks most of which are richly grassed with couch, clover, and paspalum. There is an unlimited supply of well water convenient in every paddock. The soil is mostly rich black and chocolate loam, and offers an excellent opportunity of securing an ideal mixed farming or dairying proposition. The stock comprises 12 head of dairy cattle, 5 useful farm horses, and 200 mixed sheep.
The place is well equipped with machinery and farm tools, included in which are 8 h.p. Waterloo Boy engine, chaffcutter and bagger, reaper and binder, seed drill, ploughs, harrows, drays, sulky, and harness, etc. The buildings consist of 4-roomed House, large barn, stables, machinery sheds, dairy, etc.
The property will first be offered as a going concern, and failing a buyer, the land, with improvements, will then be submitted. If the property is sold, the stock and machinery will then be disposed of to the highest bidder. In any case, the sheep are to be sold. Mr. Isaac Aitken, who is in charge of the estate will be pleased to show buyers over the place at any time. TERMS: One-third cash, balance by six promissory notes extending over 18 months with 7 per cent. interest added. Further particulars may be obtained from the Auctioneer, or the WEST AUSTRALIAN TRUSTEE, EXECUTOR, and AGENCY COMPANY, LTD., Perth. REFRESHMENTS PROVIDED. JAMES HAIR, Auctioneer. WAROONA. (West Australian, 15 February 1921.)
James Robert Aitken (1873 – 1955) – Obituary
A Yarloop Pioneer Passes
The death of Mr. James Robert Aitken at Nedlands on Saturday last marked the passing of another pioneer and well-known identity of the Yarloop district.
The late Mr. Aitken first came to the district in 1900 as a lad of 17 [sic, 1890], from Gippsland, Victoria, and with his father and three brothers pioneered the land and settled down to farming at Wagerup on the farm which is now known as Wimmera. In the year 1892 the Aitken family contract cleared the piece of land extending between the existing Cookernup and Wagerup railway stations in preparation for the laying of the first railway line from Perth to Bunbury. Mr. Aitken later branched out farming on his own and for many years farmed in both the Cookernup and Wagerup areas. He later moved into Yarloop where he spent his retirement until recent years. During his association with the district Mr. Aitken took an active interest in its affairs and was a very keen member of the R.A.O.B. Lodge in Yarloop. Mr. Aitken, who did not marry, is survived by two brothers, Ike, of Balcatta, and Bill, of Gabbin.
After a service in the Yarloop Anglican Church, the Rev. Wrightson officiating, the funeral, which was attended by a number of old identities of the district and members of the R.A.O.B. Lodge, was held at the Anglican portion of the Cookernup cemetery on Monday afternoon. The pall bearers were Messrs. N. Exelby, Gates, T. Garlick, R. Hill, G. Hill and G. Marriott, while the assistant carriers were Messrs. F. Hill and S. Hayes. (Harvey Murray Times, 11 February 1955.)