Copy of ‘Trusty’ Passenger List
First Trip
Arrived Port Leschenault (Australind) 8 December 1842
Cabin Passengers
Allen H Allen, M.D.
Charlotte Allen
John Ferguson Esq.
Isabella Ferguson
Elizabeth Ferguson
John Ferguson
George Sadler
Henry Day
Alexander John Orr
Paid their Passage
Joseph Hooper
John Prideau
Maria Prideau
Eliza Prideau
Elizabeth Prideau
Alfred Feast
William Vance
Land Purchasers
John Lock
Maria Lock, his wife
Henry Lock
John Lock
Elizabeth Lock
James Aber, shepherd
William Arnold, labourer
Elizabeth Arnold
Arnold – 3 daughters
John Bishop, gardener
Elizabeth Bishop
Bishop – 1 son, 3 daughters
Elizabeth Bishop
William Bass
Mary Bass
Bass – 2 sons, 1 daughter
Louisa Bath, seamstress
John Bell, shepherd
Edward Clayfield
Elizabeth Clayfield
Elizabeth Clayfield
John Clayfield
Clayfield – 2 sons, 1 daughter
John Cranston, cabinet maker
Rebecca Cranston
John Dellaport, labourer
Emma Dellaport
John Forsyth, surveyor
William Forrest, engineer
Margaret Forrest
Forrest – 1 son
Gavin Forrest, bricklayer
Mary Forrest
Forrest – 2 sons, 2 daughters
John Heritage, stone mason
Mary Heritage
Hannah Heritage
Mary Ann
Emma Heritage
Charlotte Heritage
Heritage – 3 sons
Elizabeth Henderson, domestic
William Howells, agric. labourer
Elizabeth Howells
Howells – 1 son
Joseph Hamblyn, cabinet maker
Rebecca Hamblyn
James Jarvis, tailor
Helen Jarvis
Jarvis – 1 daughter
John Jones, agric. labourer
Elizabeth Jones
John Johnson, gardener
Mary Johnson
Johnson – 1 daughter
Joseph Kenworthy, blacksmith
Ann Kenworthy
Kenworthy – 2 sons, 1 daughter
Edward Letts, wheelwright
Abigale Letts
Letts – 1 son
William Letts, baker
Reuben Gardner, agric. labourer, quarrier
Ann Gardner
Alfred Gardner
Gardner – 1 son, 4 daughters
Jesse Gardner, sawyer
Jane Gardner
Gardner – 4 sons
Alexander McAndrew, shepherd
John Neale, shoemaker
Dinah Neale
Neale – 1 son
Alexander Nicholson, shepherd
Isaac Place, agric. labourer
Mary Place
Place – 3 sons 1 daughter
Thomas Ryan, rgh carpenter
Mary Ryan
Elizabeth Rickets, dressmaker
Thomas Spencer, bricklayer
Ann Spencer
Thomas William Smith
Ann Smith
Smith – 1 son
Thomas Mackay, carpenter
Clarissa Mackay
Clarissa Mackay
Eliza Mackay
Mackay – 4 daughters
James McCourt, agric. labourer
Mary McCourt
McCourt – 1 son, 1 daughter
William Spencer
Handy Tyler, sawyer
Eliza Tyler, servant
John Wells
Sarah Wells
John Wells
Wells – 3 sons, 2 daughters
James Wear, agric. labourer
Ann Wear
Wear – 3 sons, 1 daughter
Charles Wines, agric. labourer
Jane Wines
Wines – 1 son 3 daughters
John Wear, blacksmith
Catherine Wear
John Bavage Walker, sawyer
- Cabin Passengers: CSO Records 1843. Bunbury. Enclosure with letter from Govt. Resident, Bunbury, 4:2:1843
- Others: CSO Records 1841 – 57, WA Land Company Return dated 8:12:1842
Second Trip
Arrived Port Leschenault (Australind) 22 May 1844
Mr John Allnutt
Mr Benjamin Piggott
21 men, women and children
Total 23
No detailed list has yet been sighted. It is probable that Mr Piggott’s brother James was also a passenger.
Notes for my Public and Private Journal from November 1843, MW Clifton.
Entry 22 May 1844, telling of the arrival of the ‘Trusty’ continues “She had 23 men women and children for us. 2 Land Purchasers only viz. Mr Allnutt and Mr Piggott.”
The list is compiled from ‘The History of the Harvey District’ written by AC Staples in 1950