Potted Histories

Death by Accident or Disease

John Nunn (c1842 – 1887)

Bunbury, April 21. An accident which terminated fatally happened at Parkfield, near Bunbury, on Thursday last to John Nunn, an immigrant per Hampshire, who had been engaged by Mr. R. H. Rose. Whilst in the act of opening a gate to allow the team he was driving to pass through, the horses took fright, and he was crushed by the cart against the gate post. Nunn was conveyed to Bunbury hospital, where he expired on Sunday night. He leaves a widow and five children.

(West Australian, 27 April 1887.)


David Eedle (c1814 – 1894)

[By Telegraph.]. Bunbury, Nov. 20. Mr. D. Eedle, J.P., a very old and esteemed settler of the Brunswick, was yesterday knocked down in Bunbury by his own horse, and severely injured. He was taken to the hospital, but died early this morning. The late Mr. Eedle was President of the Brunswick Farmers’ Association, and was made a Justice of the Peace a few months ago. He was 80 years of age.

(Inquirer, 23 November 1894)

Bunbury, November 20. Mr. David Eedle, J.P., died this morning from the result of an injury sustained yesterday, through being knocked down by his own cart. He was 80 years of age. He landed at Fremantle in 1842. He has been a total abstainer for 50 years. His funeral takes place tomorrow.

(West Australian, 21 November 1894)

EEDLE—David Eedle, J.P., of Frogmore, Brunswick. Aged 80 years. Deeply regretted by his family and many sorrowing friends.

A fatal accident occurred to Mr. Eedle, J.P., on Tuesday last. A man employed by Mr Eedle was driving his cart out of Floyd’s yard when the horse became frightened owing to the rattling of some piping which was on the dray. Mr. Eedle upon seeing this went over and

tried to quieten the horse, but the animal bolted and knocked Mr. Eedle down. The bystanders picked Mr. Eedle up and conveyed him to the hospital, where he was immediately attended by Dr. Lovegrove, but the shock, together with the injuries he received proved too much for him, and he died that night.

(WA Record, 29 November 1894)


Julius Victor Marriott (1885 – 1903)

Wagerup. Mr. Julius Victor Marriott died on Monday evening, the 7th inst. from blood-poisoning, contracted, it is believed, through cracked hands, resulting, according to the medical certificate, in tetanus. The deceased was buried the following Wednesday, in the Anglican Portion of the Cookernup Cemetery, and the burial service was conducted by the Rev. G. H. Develin, of the Harvey.

The deceased was a member of the Oddfellows Order, and several of the brethren attended the funeral, Bro. F. G. Charles conducting a burial service at the grave, on behalf of the society. The funeral was attended by a large number of friends and neighbours. A large number of beautiful wreaths of flowers were sent by the following: School children and teachers of Wagerup school, Chris. and John Hair, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Eastcott, Mr. and Mrs. Domenech, Anna and Joseph Eastcott, Ag. Eastcott, Mr. and Mrs. W. Thorton, Mr. and Mrs. E. Jenkins, Gerty and Frank Eastcott, Mr. and Mrs. P. Vlau [Kau], Mr. G. Smith, Rob. and Elizabeth Hair, Mr. and Mrs. Pusey, the Pusey family, Mr. and Mrs. John Hill, Reggie Foucher, Mr. and Mrs. H. Foucher.

The deceased was the second son of Mr. and Mrs. John Marriott, of Wagerup, and was a vigorous young man, 18 years of age.

(Western Mail, 19 December 1903.)


Robert Williams (c1855 – 1907)

On Saturday afternoon Mr. Robert Williams, aged 52, the manager and part owner of the Williams mill, Cookernup, was effecting some repairs to the machinery. A heavy wind was blowing, and his coat became entangled in the belting. Mr. Williams was carried round several times, and was then dashed to the ground partially stunned. Dr. Joel, of Bunbury, who attended the injured man, discovered that his neck was broken, while he was terribly bruised. Mr. Williams retained consciousness until his death, which occurred yesterday afternoon, shortly after 5 o’clock. An inquest was opened today before Mr. J. T. Logue. J.P., Acting-Coroner. The relatives of the deceased are unknown at present.

(West Australian, 10 September 1907.)


Accidental Poisoning at Myalup.

A number of children were playing about at Myalup, some distance from Australind, on Friday, the 15th inst. and some of them found a lot of berries, which they thought were the ordinary blackberry. This was not the case. They were solanum nigrum, or the deadly nightshade berries, one of the most powerful poisons known. That evening little Elvie, aged 3½ years, took ill, but did not display any alarming symptoms for forty-eight hours. Next day Willie, aged 6, was also prostrated.

They were both children of Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Jones, who have been residents in the locality for several years. The father of the children was away at the time, but immediately upon his return he went for Dr. Flynn, who went back with him to the homestead. Dr. Flynn at once saw signs of poisoning, and treated the case, but finding that they could be better attended in the hospital at Bunbury, he ordered their removal there, which was done.

In spite of all the care and attention bestowed upon the little sufferer, Elvie, she died last Saturday. Dr. Flynn gave a certificate of death by accidental poisoning through eating. Meningitis had set in as a result of the system getting surcharged with the poison.

The little boy, who, being older and stronger, seems to have got off a little lighter than his unfortunate sister. He still lies in a critical condition at the hospital, and is having every care and attention from both the excellent nurses and the doctor (Dr. Flynn) at the institution.

The funeral of the little girl, Elvie, was conducted on Sunday afternoon, when her remains were interred in the Anglican portion of the Bunbury cemetery. The Rev. T. Secombe conducted the burial service. Mr. W. Brittain had charge of the funeral arrangements.

Great sympathy is expressed for the unfortunate parents.

(Southern Times, 26 April 1910)


Death at Australind. Case from Yarloop.

A case of diphtheria, which has terminated fatally, has been reported from Australind. On Wednesday last, Dr. Joel was called to the residence of Mr. Joseph Clifton, at Australind to attend a little boy named Richard Wellard, who had been taken ill. The doctor discovered that the little fellow was suffering from diphtheria, which had already seriously developed. Remedies were immediately applied, but ineffectually, and the boy expired in the early hours of yesterday morning.

Since the death of both his parents some time ago, the boy has been under the care of Mr. Joseph Clifton. The funeral will take place this afternoon, and will leave the residence of Mr W. Brittain, who has charge of the mortuary arrangements, at a quarter to 3.

A little girl was brought in from Yarloop last week also suffering from diphtheria, but, under the care of Dr. Joel she has now reached convalescence.

(Bunbury Herald, 21 June 1910)


Frank Connor (1857 – 1916)

At 4 o’clock on Thursday afternoon Mr Frank Connor, M.L.C., who has lately bought a very fine property at Benger, intended with his wife and the Rev. Father Reggero (who was his guest) to go on a kangaroo shooting expedition.

Mr Connor went in to a little gun room to prepare for the expedition, and shortly afterwards called his wife. Mrs Connor went to the room, and as the door was difficult to open, gave it a push. Apparently Mr Connor had just loaded a rifle, and the door struck him on the elbow, exploding the charge, which went through the back of his head.

Dr. Joel was telephoned for, and went out by car. On arrival he found life extinct, and concluded that death must have been almost instantaneous.

The body was brought into Bunbury yesterday, and an inquest formal evidence of identification, the enquiry was adjourned. The funeral will take place in Bunbury today (Saturday) at 3 p.m.

The late Mr Connor’s business interests were directly connected with every part of the State, in which pastoral affairs are attended to, and every single action of his purposeful life was guided by pluck and determination, ever softened by his ability to see a case from the point of view of the men he was beating.

On the introduction of Responsible Government, Mr Connor was elected for East Kimberley to the Assembly, but of late years his constituency was the North Province on the roll of the Council.

Mr Connor was born in Newry, Ireland, in 1857, and after an apprenticeship with his father as an auctioneer and cattle salesman, he came to Australia in 1885, landing in Sydney. There he met a former schoolfellow, Mr D. J. Doherty, and entered into partnership with him to exploit the possibilities of the great Nor’-West of this State. They first dealt in miners’ supplies and stores, but they quickly took up land on the Ord River, and, first trying horses for the Indian market, afterwards changed for good to cattle. The wisdom of their choice was demonstrated during the goldfields boom, and on the Coolgardie fields their cattle soon turned into gold, and the partnership was launched on to the high road to prosperity. Offices were opened in Perth and Fremantle; they chartered steamers, and as the cattle continued to increase and multiply, success attended their efforts.

His name is writ large on the political and commercial annals of the State, and on his death, it can be truly said that he was one of the men the State could ill spare.

(Southern Times, 26 August 1916)


John Henry Archibald (c1894 – 1917)

A gloom was cast over the residents of Yarloop on Sunday last when the sad news became known that a young man named John Henry Archibald, aged 23 years, who was highly respected in the district, had succumbed to an illness extending over six weeks. The deceased, whilst an apprentice in Millars’ workshops, had the misfortune to meet with a serious accident through being caught in the belting and severely crushed. On his recovery he was employed as clerk in Millars’ office, but owing to the mills closing down through the war, he was compelled to seek employment elsewhere. He secured a position as clerk in the Industries Assistance Board and was a great favorite with all his associates. He contracted influenza and came home to recuperate, but unfortunately he got a relapse and despite careful nursing, under the direction of Dr. Kennedy, he succumbed to the malady just after midnight on Saturday last.

The remains were interred in the Wesleyan portion of the Cookernup cemetery on New Year’s Day, the Rev. T. Cook officiating at the graveside. The cortege was one of the largest ever seen in the district, and numerous wreaths were placed on the coffin. Much sympathy is felt for the parents in their sad bereavement, as one of the sons (the eldest) was killed at Gallipoli and another had a narrow escape on the Arabic when she was torpedoed in the Mediterranean some weeks ago, he being on his way to England as a munition worker. The funeral arrangements were carried out by Mr J. McKinney.

(Bunbury Herald, 6 January 1917.)


Leonard Cargeeg (c1884 – 1923)

The funeral of the late Leonard Cargeeg, whose untimely death as the result of an accident, caused widespread sadness among his relatives and friends, took place on Saturday afternoon, and was well attended. Deceased met his death, on his farm at ‘Parkfield’ near Australind. He is survived by a widow and a family of six children to whom much sympathy is extended.

Deceased, was a son of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Cargeeg, of Parry-street, Swanbourne, and in both civil and church life had made many friends by his cheerful and loving disposition. His death, at the young age of 39, has cut off what would have been a prominent and useful career. The cortege moved from his parents’ residence, and proceeded by road to the Baptist Cemetery, Karrakatta, where the remains, enclosed in a polished jarrah casket, were laid to rest in the family grave. The Rev. Henry Cordon, assisted by the Revs. Harry Reeve and S. Jarvis, officiated at the graveside.

The pallbearers were Messrs. G. W. Simpson, A. E. Joyner, H. D. McCallum, W. J. Forman, J. W. Langsford, and S. H. Lamb. The chief mourners were Mrs. M. Cargeeg (widow), Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Cargeeg (father and mother), Harold and Garfield Cargeeg (brothers), E. E. Patten, G. M. Johnston, W. M. Ellery, and F. Grace (brothers-in-law), Mesdames E. E. Patten, G. M. Johnston, W. M. Ellery, and Miss Grace (sisters-in-law), Geo. Garfield and Reg. Cargeeg (nephews), and Ray Cargeeg (cousin). Among those present were Revs. W. Gilmour, T. Hagger (past-president of the Council of Churches) L. Greenberg (secretary of the Y.M.C.A.), John Sinclair (Y.M.C.A.), H. J. Walker, A. C. Braham, L. J. Wyle, P. Teede, J. Halliday, A. T. Ratten, J. Winterbottom, G. W. Higgins, F. Hancey, W. Thorpe, Peter Kennedy, L. S. Mitchell, E. H. S. Stirling, F. C. Anderson, F. C. Andrews, J. Wilkinson, J. Harrison, H. J. Keyser, C. E. Davey, A. H. Dickson, S. Palmer, C. E. Jarvis, A. M. Corbett, J. L. S. Miller, K. Inglefinger, H. Egan, F. W. Leach, J. R. Nicholson, H. G. Rae, W. Horan, F. Flood, F. Grace, Mesdames Fuller and Flood, and many others.

Floral tributes were received from his loving family, Joyce and Ern, staff of Cargeeg Bros., staff of Bon Marche Stores, members Baptist Church, Claremont, directors and members and ladies of Y.M.C.A., Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Joyner. Numerous telegrams, letters, and cards of sympathy were received by the bereaved family. The funeral arrangements were carried out by Messrs. C. H. Smith and Co., of 281 Newcastle-street, Perth.

(Daily News, 6 August 1923.)

CAUGHT IN CHAFFCUTTER Perth. Aug., 3. Leonard Cargeeg, aged 40 years, a grazier, of Parkfield, near Bunbury, met with a terrible death yesterday. Deceased was working a chaffcutter when his coat became entangled in the belting, and the unfortunate man was whirled round and round until nearly every bone was broken. He lingered a few hours after being extricated. He leaves a widow and six children.

(Western Argus [Kalgoorlie], 7 August 1923.)


Percy Keys (c1874 – 1924)

By the death of Mr Percy Keys Yarloop has indeed lost a real live man, one who had always taken a deep and lively interest in the advancement of the town, socially and otherwise. To the local sporting bodies—cricket and tennis clubs —the late Mr Keys will be very much missed, and his place will be very hard to fill. We have had the pleasure in meeting the deceased gentlemen in several contests on the cricket field as a member of the Yarloop club during the just completed season and know his true worth as a sportsman and a gentleman, and his high sense of fair play. Up to the time of the accident which eventually caused his death, his friends could have taken a lease of his life, and general regret is expressed at this passing in the prime of life.

From what we were informed it appears that the late Mr Keys, who was an inmate of the Yarloop hospital for the past five weeks, got a splinter in one of his fingers and on trying to extract same with a pin it is assumed he introduced blood poison which spread with such rapidity and virulence that he succumbed, his death taking place at the Yarloop hospital on Wednesday, April, 16 at 7 p.m. The deceased, who was 51 years of age, leaves a widow and three daughters, one who is a school teacher. The greatest sympathy is extended to his widow and family in their sad bereavement.

The funeral, which took place on Good Friday morning (18 April), was very largely attended. Prior to the cortege leaving for the scene of the last resting place, the Anglican portion of the cemetery, at Cookernup, the Rev. Moorhouse, of Harvey, conducted the first portion of the burial service at the Yarloop church, at the conclusion of which the organist (Mr Young) played the Dead March “In Saul.” The procession then wended its way to the cemetery where the last portion of the service was also conducted by the Rev. Moorhouse. The chief mourners were Mrs Keys and family. The pall-bearers were Messrs Frank Archibald, F. Banner, J. Preece, H. Newman, A. W. Hoft, and R. Powell. A large number of wreaths were placed on the bier, the following list of which we were able to obtain: – Mr and Mrs Flynn, Mr J. Stone, Mr and Mrs Schlam, Mr and Mrs A. E. Tower, Mr Archibald and family, Nurse O’Connor and family, Mr and Mrs P. Cattack [sic, Cattach], Mr and Mrs L. Gillard, employees of Millars Timber and Trading Co., Tennis and Cricket Clubs and others.

(South Western Advertiser, 25 April 1924.)


Joseph Henry Shadforth (c1899 – 1927)

The funeral took place on October 22, of Joseph Henry Shadforth, aged 28 years who was accidentally killed at Nanga Brook on October 20. Deceased was a guard in the employ of Millars Timber and Trading Co. Ltd., and was run over and killed by a rake of trucks. Following a short service in the Roman Catholic Church, Yarloop, the cortege proceeded to the Cookernup Cemetery, where the remains were interred. The Rev. Father Doddie officiated at the graveside. A very large number of friends from Nanga Brook, Hoffman Mill, Yarloop and districts attended.

Coffin bearers: Members of Millar’s Train Crews, A. Higgins, P. Regan, J. O’Connor, E. Bevis. Pall bearers: P. Cattach, R. Murdock, A. Marrow, C. Brighton, W. Lawson. F. Berry. Representatives from A.F.W.U. F.E.D.F.A. and kindred unions. Wreathes were received from the following: His Loving Mother, Doctor and Hospital Staff, Mr. and Mrs. Cattach, Mr. and Mrs. O’Brien and babes, Mr. and Mrs C. Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs. Rommlis, Mr. and Mrs. Johns and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. Fowler and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wales, A. and L. Higgins and family, Mr. and Mrs. L. White, Mr. and Mrs. Dyer and son, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Stoner and family, Mr. and Mrs. Davies, Mr. and Mrs . H. Hicks and family, Mr. and Mrs. Perkins, Mr. and Mrs. H. Eastcott, Mr. and Mrs. Laughton and family, Anglican Church Ladies, Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner, Annie Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Banner and family, A. C. and M. Kelly, Mrs. Black and family, Uncle Bose Aunt and cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall, George and Ruby, Jean Boyd, The Schlam family, Maude, Ethel, The Conroy and Fisk families, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton, Mr. and Mrs. Regan, Mr. and Mrs. Berry and family, Mrs. Boyd and family, Mrs. E. Lee and family, The Workers’ Union Yarloop Branch, Yarloop Football Club, Yarloop Loco Staff, Engine Drivers, Firemen and Workshops employees, Hoffman Mill T.W. U., Nanga Brook A.T.W.U., Residents of Hoffman Bush. The funeral arrangements were carried out by Messrs W. Brittain and Son, Bunbury.

(Bunbury Herald and Blackwood Express, 28 October 1927.)


William Frederick Tiel (c1851 – 1931)

An old-age pensioner named William Frederick Tiel, aged eighty years, was found dead on an open fire at his home in Harvey about 6.30 Thursday evening. The old man occupied a hut on the property of Mr. Frank Morris, where he lived alone, and the property owners became alarmed when did not as usual come over for his milk. When they went to the hut to make enquiries they found Tiel lying back on the fire in an open grate with all the upper part of his body incinerated. It is assumed that when standing with his back to the fire he must have had a sudden heart attack or fainting fit, to which he was subject, and fallen back onto the fire.

The old man, who was born in Germany, had lived in the Harvey district for years doing odd jobs. He had no relatives in the State. The funeral took place in the Anglican portion of the Harvey Cemetery on Friday morning, when the Rev. Stansfield officiated.

(South Western Tribune, 2 May 1931.)


Robinson Sutcliffe (c1867 – 1934)

Robinson Sutcliffe, of Australind retired farmer who formerly lived at Harvey, died in the Bunbury Government Hospital on February 14 at the age of 67 years. Several weeks ago the late Mr. Sutcliffe was thrown from a horse and cart late at night and he injured his spine. He had been in the hospital since the accident. The funeral took place on February 15 when the remains were laid in the Methodist portion of the Harvey Cemetery. The Rev. V. W. Deakin officiated. The deceased left a wife and two grown up children, a son and a daughter. Chief mourners at the funeral were the widow, Mr. S. Sutcliffe, son, Mrs. M. Harrison, daughter, and Mr. M. Harrison, son-in-law. Pallbearers were Messrs. J. Hayward, A. Harrison, T. Ormerod, T. Williamson, W. Hindmarsh and C. Giblett. A number of wreaths were laid on the grave. Funeral arrangements were carried out by Messrs. William Brittain and Co., Bunbury.

(Harvey Murray Times, 23 February 1934.)