The death occurred on Saturday evening of one of the oldest residents in the district in the person of Mr. Montague Alwyn Wickham. The deceased had been in indifferent health for some months. The late Mr. Wickham was born at Chelsea (England) 70 years ago and migrated to this State 42 years ago. He almost immediately selected land near Yarloop, which he farmed till some 12 months ago, when he retired to live in Harvey.
For 25 years the deceased occupied a seat at the table of the Harvey Road Board as the representative of the north ward. On several occasions efforts were made to persuade Mr. Wickham to take the chair of the board, an honour he refused on the ground that the distance he lived from Harvey prevented him from carrying out the duties appertaining to the position in a manner he felt, they should be carried out. He was married in Perth 32 years ago to Miss Louisa Isabel Palmer.
He had ever been a keen member of the Masonic Lodge in the district. He leaves a widow and one son and three daughters to mourn their loss. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon leaving his late residence at 2.30 and the remains were interred in the Anglican portion of the Harvey cemetery when the Rev. B. W. Earle officiated. The pall bearers were Dr. Lovegrove, Messrs. F. Gardner, L. B. Schlam, A. H. Smith, N. Buchanan and H. Dennis. The funeral arrangements were carried out by Wm. Brittain & Sons, of Bunbury, in conjunction with their agent, Mr. H. Jarvis, of Harvey.
(Harvey Murray Times, 4 September 1936.)
MARRIAGE. WICKHAM—PALMER. On February 22, at St. George’s Cathedral, Perth, by the Dean, Montague A. Wickham, son of the late Rev. Charles Wickham, Compton Rectory, Winchester, Eng., to Louisa Isabel, third daughter of H. C. Palmer, Esq., Cosgrove, Stony-Stratford, Eng.
(West Australian, 4 March 1904.)