Another old resident of Yarloop, in the person of the late Mr Thomas Garlick, passed away at his residence on November 3rd. The deceased gentleman, who had reached the age of 74 years, some time back while following his pursuits as a farmer, was thrown from his horse, receiving bodily injuries from which he never seemed to fully recover, and the end came on Sunday, November 3rd.
The funeral, which took place on Tuesday following was largely attended. The first portion of the Burial Service was conducted by the Rev. Stansfield, at the Anglican Church, Yarloop, of which deceased was an active worker for many years standing, after which the cortege left for the Cookernup cemetery, where his remains were laid to rest in the Anglican portion thereof, the service at the graveside being also conducted by the Rev. Stansfield. The Rev. Mr Sweet, Methodist Minister, was also present.
The chief mourners were — Caroline Garlick (widow), Winifred Smith, Florence May Clarke (daughters), Arthur Smith, Chas Clarke (sons-in law), Chas Smith (grandson), May Garlick (grand-daughter). The pall-bearers were as follows-: Messrs M. A. Wickham, J. Hill, H. Bowles, Cook, H. Hicks, J. O. Mitchell. The coffin bearers were: Messrs G. E. Scott, G. H Thomas, G. Hill, F. Black. A large number of floral tributes and cards were forwarded by friends. The funeral arrangements were carried out by A. G. Weller, undertaker and funeral furnisher, Waroona, telephone 10.
(South Western Advertiser, 15 November 1929.)
Thomas Garlick’s headstone, Cookernup Cemetery. Photo courtesy of Kerry Davis.