Local Identities

Robert Henry Rose and Family

Robert Henry Rose is best known as the owner of ‘Parkfield’ and ‘Moorlands’.[1]    Robert planned to travel from England to the Swan River Colony in 1851 with his sister and her husband, the Rev James Leonard (who later established the first Congregational Church in the Colony). Due to illness, Robert was unable to accompany them but arrived in 1852 aboard the ‘Merope’. In 1853 Robert’s mother, brother and sister along with his cousin, Thomas Hayward arrived on the ‘Devonshire’. Robert was married twice; first to Ann Allnutt and secondly to Elizabeth Eliza Teede, both had arrived with their families as part of the Australind venture. Robert fathered 19 children and today many Rose decedents still live in the area. The obituaries show the contribution made by this pioneering family to the development of the State.

Mrs Ann Bishop Rose née Allnutt (c1834 – 1864)

First wife of Robert Henry Rose

ROSE — At Parkfield on the 18th inst., in her 30th year, ANN, the beloved wife of MR. R. H. ROSE, and eldest daughter of the late MR. ALLNUTT, of Australind; deeply lamented by all who knew her. (WA Times, 28 January 1864)

Elizabeth Rose, Snr née Canler (c1809 – 1899)

Mother or Robert Henry Rose of ‘Parkfield’ and ‘Moorlands’

Bunbury, July 3. General regret is expressed throughout the district at the death of Mrs. Robert Rose, one of the oldest colonists in these districts, and of whom it may be said she had an unbroken circle of friends. The deceased lady expired this morning. She was possessed of wonderful vitality, and retained the full use of her faculties up to the time of her death, at the age of ninety years.

Early in life she married Mr. Robt. Rose, then resident of Stanton Hall, in Suffolk. Her husband died somewhat early in life. There were four children by the marriage, two sons and two daughters. Subsequent to her husband’s death, Mrs. Rose for many years carried on farming operations at Stanton Hall. It is worthy of note, as showing the esteem in which she was held, that at a time when incendiarism was prevalent in the country, her house was left untouched.

The deceased lady’s eldest daughter married the Rev. James Leonard, the first of the family to come to Western Australia, but was soon followed by her brother Robert, and subsequently by Mrs. Rose, who came to the colony in the ship Devonshire in 1853, with her two children, Bessie and Charles.

She resided for a time at Parkfield. She afterwards moved to Wedderburn, and later, in consequence of the mortality which took place amongst the cattle in that locality, removed to Wilgarrup. Subsequently, however, she returned to Parkfield, and for many years lived practically a secluded life. About twelve months ago she moved to Moorland, the residence of her son, Mr. Robert Rose, and lived there until the time of her death. (Western Mail, 7 July 1899)

Robert Henry Rose (1829 – 1909)

Owner of ‘Parkfield’ and ‘Moorlands’

Peaceful end to a strenuous life. Notwithstanding the fact that Mr. R. H. Rose had reached a fairly advanced age, the news of his death, which occurred suddenly at his residence, Moorlands, on Monday night, came as a shock to the whole community. He had so recently been seen about, as well looking and as active as any man of like years could hope to look, that his demise was totally unexpected, and the sympathy which goes out to the bereaved family is profound and spontaneous. So soon as the sad intelligence of the passing of Mr. Rose had been confirmed, the flags at the municipal buildings and at the South-Western Club were half-masted, and for the moment the sad event was the one absorbing topic of conversation.

As stated, the end was sudden. The old gentleman had been out in the paddocks all the day, superintending harvesting operations, and had settled down for his evening’s rest when he was attacked by a fit of coughing, attended by vomiting. He had experienced similar attacks previously, and no serious apprehension was caused by this seizure. A further fit of coughing resulted in the rupture of a blood vessel, when a messenger was despatched post haste to Dr. Flynn. The end was not long delayed, and before the doctor had arrived on the scene the old pioneer had breathed his last in the arms of his wife.

The late Mr. Rose was born at Stanton Hall Farm, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, England, and was one of the adventurous spirits who sought the farthest confines of the Empire in the days when such a journey occupied as many months as it now does weeks in search of fortune. He embarked for Australia early in the year 1852, on a small sailing vessel named the Merope, of only 300 tons burthen, arriving at Fremantle during the same year accompanied by his brother-in-law, the Rev. James Leonard, who was the first Congregational minister in Perth.

He first settled in Perth, and lost no time in embarking upon business for himself. He commenced a dairy business in the vicinity of the capital, in which he was a couple of years later joined by Mr. T. Hayward, the present M.L.A. for the Wellington district. Together they had a disastrous experience, losing most of their cattle through an epidemic which went through the herd. The two companions about this time received an offer of the Parkfield estate, from which the late Mr. Piggott was at that time relinquishing to assume a property at Springfield [Springhill]. This they accepted. Mr. Rose remained at Parkfield, while Mr. Hayward struck out for himself in other directions. Parkfield was developed to the extent of becoming the biggest and best dairy farm in the district, the herd at one time comprising close upon a hundred head.  [See They Rose to the Challenge; A farming odyssey of the Rose family in Western Australia 1852 – 2020 by Alex Campbell AM, published 2021, where he delves deeper into the early period of RH Rose in the Colony and gives a different account.]

In 1856 [sic, 1857] the late Mr. Rose married Miss Allnutt, a sister of Mr. J. Allnutt, J.P., of Bridgetown, by whom he had five sons— Robert, Charles, George, James and Edwin. His first wife died in 1864, and he subsequently married Miss Elizabeth Teede, by whom he had 14 children, of whom the following survive: — Augustus, Percy, Arnold, Geoff, Thomas, Mrs. W. S. Hales, Mrs. M. Roberts, Mrs. Adeney, and the Misses Bessie, Ella and Lucille Rose.

Some eleven years ago the deceased gentleman retired from Parkfield, where he was succeeded by his son George, who is still the proprietor of the estate. Mr. Rose’s best legacy to the State of his adoption is the 13 sons and daughters who survive him. On reaching man’s estate, the sons have generally struck out for themselves, pioneering settlement and development. In the eighties, George proceeded to the Nor-West, where he developed a considerable ranch and where he was later on followed by his brothers Charles and Edwin.

They are all now settled in the South-West and are all on the land. It must have proved a constant solace to their late father and their surviving mother (and to the latter heartfelt condolences are extended), to mark the honorable positions their sons and daughters were making for themselves in the community which had grown up around them. A foremost settler as was the late Mr. Rose, he had to respond, to a measure of public duty, which he never shirked. He was one of the first appointed honorary magistrates of this district, and for over twenty years was a member of the Wellington Roads Board, of which body he was chairman for no less a period than 18 years. He took a leading part in the formation of a volunteer mounted force in the South-West, and was appointed to the command of the company. His active participation in public affairs was only curtailed by a growing deafness, which unfitted him for public life. (Bunbury Herald, 2 December 1909)


Robert Henry Rose and family

Mrs Elizabeth Eliza Rose née Teede (1845 – 1911)

Second wife of Robert Henry Rose

It is only 15 months ago since the people of Bunbury and South-West district generally were saddened by the news of the death of one of the State’s pioneers and earliest settlers, in the person of Mr. R. H. Rose, who died suddenly at his homestead at Moorlands, and with no less regret will the news of the equally sudden demise of Mrs. Rose at Melbourne be received, which sad intelligence was telegraphed from Victoria yesterday morning. For some considerable time past Mrs. Rose had been in an indifferent state of health, and early in December that lady, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. E. M. Clarke, and two of her daughters, left this State for a trip Eastwards. The deceased lady’s health was immediately benefited by the change, and letters received by her relatives in Bunbury only yesterday morning conveyed news of great improvement. The end came suddenly and without warning so far as those relatives who are resident in this State are concerned, and to them, as to the others in Victoria, the heartfelt sympathy of the whole community is extended. The deceased lady was a daughter of Mr. Teede, who was among the earliest of settlers in this district, and a sister of the late Mr. G. R. Teede, for many years a prominent citizen of Bunbury. She was at the time of her death in her 68th year, and was the second wife of the late Mr. Rose. The issue of the marriage was 14 children, of whom the following survive: Augustus, Percy, Arnold, Geoff, Thomas, Mrs. W. S. Hales, Mrs. M. Roberts, Mrs. Adeney, and the Misses Bessie, Ella, and Lucille Rose. Mrs. Adeney and Miss Ella, and two of her sons were present in Melbourne and at the death-bed of their mother. (Bunbury Herald, 24 February 1911)


Following are obituaries of some of Robert’s children in chronological order of death.

Miss Marianne Rose (1867 – 1897)

Seventh child

The many friends of Miss Marianne Rose will learn with regret of her death at Fremantle early yesterday morning. The deceased, who was the eldest daughter of Mr. R. H. Rose, J.P., of Moorland, has been for the last few months on a visit to Derby, where, having suffered from ill health for some time, she decided to return south for medical attendance. While on the steamer she rapidly grew worse, and on her arrival at Fremantle last Saturday, where she was met by Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Rose, she was in a critical condition. She was attended by Drs. Lotz and Williams, and although she slightly rallied for a short time, the improvement was only temporary, and she gradually sank until the time of her death. The funeral took place at Picton this afternoon. (Southern Times, 29 July 1897.)

Robert Henry Rose, Jnr (1858 – 1900)

First child

There was a feeling of profound sorrow manifested throughout the town when it became known on Thursday that Mr Robert Henry Rose, junr., was dead. After a painful illness extending over a month, and despite the utmost care and the most vigilant medical attention, Mr Rose quietly breathed his last at one o’clock on Thursday afternoon at the local hospital. Mr Rose was suffering from an internal disorder, somewhat difficult to diagnose, and it was found necessary to call in Dr Horrocks, of Perth. An operation was duly performed by Dr Horrocks, assisted by Drs Williams and Flynn. The patient immediately experienced considerable relief, and his temperature fell almost to normal condition. It was then thought that he would recover, but on Tuesday he betrayed symptoms of a relapse, and continued to sink rapidly. On Wednesday night his condition was critical, and many of his relatives were summoned. Towards Thursday morning all hope of recovery was abandoned, and in the afternoon he died, his devoted wife remaining with him to the last.

Mr Robert Henry Rose was the eldest son of Mr R. H. Rose, J.P., of Parkfield and Moorlands, and was born at the former place 42 years ago. He was therefore a native of the district, and in every respect an estimable upright colonist. He married Miss Hayward, eldest daughter of Mr Thos. Hayward, the issue being seven children four boys and three girls, the eldest aged 14 and the youngest two years of age. Mr Rose was always regarded as in the very first rank of practical farmer-graziers, not only in this district but also in West Australia. Combining intense application with intelligence and observation, he speedily converted his estate known as “Roelands” on the Collie into a model farm, and exhibiting his products freely at the different pastoral and agricultural exhibitions he invariably took pride of place, and secured the coveted blue ribbons. He may be said to have lifted the standard of farming in this district very considerably, and to have set an example which others were not slow to follow.

His enterprises were all carried out on modern agricultural lines, and his aim was to produce only that which was best. In this he succeeded in a marked degree. Mr Rose, as is usual to a man of unbounded energy, was an athlete of some note, a fearless rider, a crack shot, a record runner, and a first-class cricketer. He was captain of the Wellington eleven on the two occasions on which they secured the Parliamentary Cup. As a landlord, Mr Rose had the confidence and affection of his tenantry, while “Roelands” and hospitality had ever been synonymous terms. His death, therefore, comes as a shock to the district and cannot be regarded otherwise than as an irreparable loss. The sympathy of the entire province goes out spontaneously to his widow and children, and to the large circle of relatives, in this their hour of tribulation.

The funeral took place yesterday afternoon, and was attended by a great crowd of mourners, including the near relatives, the Mayor of Bunbury, most of the principal citizens of this town, the chairman and five members of the Brunswick Roads Board, and representative farmers from all parts of the district. The body was interred in the Picton cemetery, the service being read by the Rev H. Darling. The coffin was covered with flowers and many beautiful wreaths. (Bunbury Herald, 3 February 1900)

Louisa Patience Rose (1859 – 1909)

Eighth child

At Miss Moore’s Private Hospital on October 24, Miss Louisa Patience Rose, the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Rose, Moorlands, Bunbury, died. This will be sad news to many friends in the South-West and other parts of the State. Miss Rose was well-known down on the Blackwood, and her kindly and unselfish nature will be remembered by er many friends. The funeral took place at Picton cemetery on October 26, and was largely attended by relatives and friends. The pall-bearers were Messrs. Geo. Forrest, J. L. Walker, A. F. Clifton, J. E. M. Clifton, W. B. Castieau, A. R. Foreman; the Rev. Thomas Secombe reading the burial service. (Western Mail, 6 November 1909)

Augustus Frederick Rose (1870 – 1910)

Ninth child

The numerous members of the Rose family in these parts received a terrible shock last Monday morning, when a telegram arrived from Melbourne announcing that Mr. Gus Rose had died suddenly in Melbourne. From later particulars to hand it appears the deceased underwent an operation for nasal growth and that a clot of blood formed on the brain and terminated fatally.

The sad news came as a great shock to deceased’s relatives and friends, no one realising when he left this State a few weeks ago that he was in anything but his usual good health. The deceased had suffered a good deal from malarial fever in Kimberley, but when he paid a flying visit to Moorland a few weeks back, there was nothing in his health to cause his friends the least alarm. Deceased was the sixth son of the late Mr. R. H. Rose, J.P., of Moorland, and was born at Parkfield about 40 years ago. He received his education at the public school and later on at Mr. H. Briggs’ Fremantle Grammar School.

On leaving school deceased assisted his father on the well-known Parkfield estate. About 20 years ago Mr. Rose decided that the South-West did not then offer sufficient scope for a man of energy and ambition, and he elected to follow the lead set by several of his elder brothers and try his fortune in Kimberley. For some years after his arrival in West Kimberley he held important positions on the celebrated Yeeda station, then under the management of Mr. G. C. Rose, now of Parkfield. After gaining a good general knowledge of the manners and customs of the place Mr. Rose accepted the management of the Obagooma station, a properly owned by the Kimberley Pastoral Company. This appointment he held for some years, and finally relinquished it to join Mr. P. C. Hutton, now of Katanning district, in forming the Fitzroy Downs station. Mr. Rose acted as managing partner of this station up to the time of his death.

Mr. Rose, who was a quiet, unobtrusive man, possessed many excellent traits of character. He was fond of travelling, and had several times, visited the Eastern States and New Zealand, and he had also visited the Old Country, and being of an observant turn of mind he profited much by his travels. (Collie Miner, 13 December 1910)

Ada Mildred Hales (1875 – 1922)

Twelfth child

Widespread regret was expressed when the news was circulated that Mrs. Ada Mildred Hales, wife of Walter Shirley Hales, had passed away at Bunbury yesterday.

The deceased was daughter of the late Mr. Robert Henry Rose, and was born at Parkfield, Bunbury, 46 years ago. She was married at Picton to Mr. Hales, who for a great number of years has been secretary of the Bunbury Road Board, and also diocesan secretary. The deceased leaves a family of two girls, Frances Alexandra and Phyllis Ada. The remains, enclosed in a polished jarrah casket with silver mountings, rested in the Cathedral during the night. A short service was held at 2.45 p.m. today by the Rev. A. K. Shrewsbury, the cortege leaving for the Picton cemetery at 3 p.m. The pall-bearers were Messrs. T. W. Paisley, J. F. Johnston, A. E. Jackson, J. J. Verschuer, J. White and W. Wimbridge. Among the wreaths placed on the grave were those from — Husband and daughters, officers and brethren Wellington Lodge, president and members of the Bunbury Road Board, Nurse and Mrs. E. Kimber, Miss Joy Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Roberts. The funeral arrangements were carried out, by Messrs. Wm. Brittain and Son. (South Western Times, 17 October 1922)

Thomas Leopold Rose (1883 – 1928)

Seventeenth child

The funeral took place on Thursday, December 29, of Thomas Leopold Rose, who succumbed to injuries received the previous day, when his car, of which he was the sole occupant, was run into by a train on a level crossing at Burekup.

Mr. T. L. Rose was the elder son of Mr. R. H. Rose, and was born at Parkfield at the head of the Leschenault Estuary. Mr. R. H. Rose was one of the biggest dairymen in the South-West, and it was from this source that the late Mr. T. L. Rose acquired his comprehensive knowledge of dairying. Mr. Rose received his education at Parkfield and the Roseworthy College and afterwards went to live at Moorlands. He married Miss D. Wilson, daughter of Mr. R. J. Wilson, of Bunbury.

After leaving Moorlands the late Mr. Rose settled on land at Burekup and became one of the leading farmers of the district. He was a member of the Royal Agricultural Society and played a prominent part in the local and district shows. He was a keen “shot” and fisherman. He made a warm-hearted friend indeed and his numerous charitable actions were always performed without ostentation. In Mr. Rose, the South-West has lost an outstanding farmer and a fine gentleman.

The cortege left the residence of Mr. A. J. Rose, White-rd., at 3.15 p.m. and proceeded to the Anglican portion of the new cemetery. The burial service was performed by the Bishop of Bunbury, assisted by the Rev. Prior. Pall Bearers : Dr. Joel, Messrs F. W. Roberts, J. Verschuer, J. L. Walker, W. Pugh, J. F. Johnston. The chief mourners were P. Rose, A. J. Rose, J. C. Rose, Jas. Rose, Edwin Rose (brothers), R. J. Wilson (father-in-law), Richard Wilson (brother-in-law), Cecil Matthews (brother-in-law). (Bunbury Herald and Blackwood Express, 4 January 1928).

Percival Rose (1872 – 1935)

Tenth child

BUNBURY, Feb. 5.— The death occurred yesterday at St. John of God Hospital, Bunbury, of Mr. Percival Rose, of Moorlands, Bunbury.

Mr. Rose, who was 63 years of age, was born at Parkfield, near Bunbury and was a son of Mr. Robert Henry Rose, a pioneer settler of the district. At an early age he left for the North-West, and with his brothers Edwin and Jeffery acquired extensive pastoral interests. At the time of his death he still held big interests in several cattle and sheep stations in the West Kimberley and was one of the founders of the Kimberley Pastoral Co. About 15 years ago he acquired land at Burekup, in the South-West, and built up one of the best known and most successful Jersey herds in Western Australia. He was a member of the council of the Australian Jersey Herd Society, the Royal Agricultural Society, and the Wellington Agricultural Society, and was a foundation member of the Bunbury tennis club and the South-Western club. The funeral, which took place this afternoon in Bunbury Cemetery, was largely attended. He is survived by a widow, two sons, and three daughters. (West Australian, 6 February 1935)

John Charles Rose (1859 – 1940)

Second child

The death occurred in the Bridgetown hospital on Monday morning of Mr. John Charles Rose, of Wilgarrup, at the age of 81 years. The late Mr Rose had not enjoyed good health for some years and only a few hours before his death was admitted to the hospital. As a young man the late Mr Rose joined his uncle at Wilgarrup for some time and then went to the North-West where he stayed for a good many years. Over forty years ago he returned to Wilgarrup and took over the property which was took over the property which was one district [sic]. He was a Justice of the Peace for the Blackwood district. For some years he was a member of the Nelson (now Bridgetown) Road Board and during that period linked up with the Bridgetown Agricultural Society and for 25 years he was a councillor of that body, and president for several years. After leaving the Bridgetown Road Board he was elected to the Warren (now Manjimup) Road Board and for 25 years was chairman of that board. He was keenly interested in the progress of both the Bridgetown and Manjimup districts and was ever ready to lend a hand in this direction. Sincere sympathy is extended to the bereaved widow and family.

Funeral. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon when a large number of friends from the Manjimup and Warren districts attended to pay their last respects. A service was held at St. Paul’s Church and was conducted by Canon Walmsley, who also conducted the service at the graveside. The pall bearers were Messrs C. I. Doust, R. C. Williams, Alf. Reeve, P. A. Ewing, O. J. Sparks, and Guy Thomson. The carriers were Messrs E. S. Hester, W. K. Walter, H. C. Davies and S. V. Wheatley. (South Western Times, 27 November 1940)

James Rose (1862 – 1943)

Fourth child

BOER WAR VETERAN. Death of Major James Rose. Major James Rose, VD, who died on August 30, was born at Parkfield, near Bunbury, on August 3, 1862, and was the fourth son of the late Robert Henry Rose and Anne Bishop Rose (nee Allnutt). He was educated at the High School, Perth, and for years was a prominent athlete and rifleman. He joined the staff of the Western Australian Bank at Bunbury as a young man and, on transfer to the head office, was succeeded by Mr James (now Sir James) Mitchell. He married Amy Edith Stone, eldest daughter of the late Mr and Mrs W. A. Stone, in February, 1889, and shortly afterwards was transferred to York, where he opened and managed a new branch of the Western Australian Bank.

Major Rose for many years was prominent in the volunteer defence forces and in May, 1900, with the rank of captain, he left for South Africa in command of the 4th Imperial Bushmen’s Contingent. He was wounded at Bethlehem on July 8 of the same year during the relief of Lindley. After his return home he was for a number of years interested in pastoral pursuits with his brothers, Messrs J. C. and E. Rose, in the West Kimberleys, but later he rejoined the staff of the Western Australian Bank in Perth. He celebrated his golden wedding in February, 1939. Early this year he was made a life member of the St John’s Freemasons Lodge, of which he was a member for over 56 years. Major Rose left a widow and five sons, three of whom served in the Great War, and he is survived by two brothers—Messrs G. C. Rose, of Claremont, and E. Rose, of Bunbury.  (West Australian, 10 September 1943)

Edwin Rose (1863 – 1948)

Fifth child

Varied Life Of Service. With feelings of very deep regret, Bunbury citizens heard the news on Monday morning last of the death of the Hon. Edwin Rose, at the age of 84. Mr. Rose died in a private hospital in Bunbury shortly after midnight on Sunday, after being in failing health for some time. Few people have held a more important position in the community than the late Mr. Rose and few have rendered greater service to the district in which they lived. Born at “Parkfield,” Australind, the late Mr. Rose soon showed that he had a love of the land and in the course of his career he acquired extensive pastoral interests. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henry Rose, he went north at an early age. The Kimberleys were unknown when “Ted” Rose decided to try his luck there at the age of 21. For six years he lived and worked to master conditions and then he took a pastoral property with his brother Charles.

NORTH-WEST INTERESTS This venture necessitated a trip south and at Roebourne they took over the nucleus of the huge flocks to be later grazed by the brothers. Despite droughts and difficulties of communication success rewarded their efforts and two more stations were started. In 1904 the late Mr. Rose heard the call of his home district and disposed of his North-West interests.

When he took over the Wedderburn property at Brunswick, a beautiful home was erected there and with his wife, Janet, he entertained many distinguished visitors. This property was a tribute to his judgment because as it developed it did full justice to the faith he had in it, when he decided to make the property his home.

Later, personal reasons decided him to sell this property and retire to Bunbury. This was in 1915. “Bury Hill,” now the site of St. John of God Hospital, with its seven acres of ground, was purchased, and additions and renovations were made, turning the old home into a suitable setting for the dispensation of the open hospitality for which the homes of the Roses have always been renowned. The Governor-General of Australia (Lord Foster) and governors of this and other States were entertained here on various occasions as well as many other distinguished personalities.

BROAD ACRES But the deceased gentleman could not rest content without broad acres. Mill Point, the historical site of Lord Forrest’s birth was purchased, improved and developed, a high producing herd of Guernsey cattle was built up and it might, have been assumed that this would have been sufficient to keep the late Mr. Rose busily employed at the age of 75. He then became interested in a strip of country on the North Boyanup Road, the potentialities of which had not then so far been recognised. It was an uninviting prospect for a younger man but the late Mr. Rose discerned the possibilities and soon 500 acres of this property were cleared, grassed, drained and sub-divided and 140 high-class Guernseys were producing. Once again the barren unproductive acres blossomed into bearing as a result of the intense desire of the late Mr. Rose to pioneer all possibilities of his beloved South-West.

EXTENSIVE INTERESTS The late Mr. Rose was prominently associated in his time with the Brunswick Agricultural Society and he also assisted in financing the show ground, hall and other projects. For over 30 years he was a member of the Royal Agricultural Society and president for a term, and he was many times president of the Wellington Agricultural Society, of which he was a member for 40 years, assisting financially in the purchase of a site and the erection of the necessary buildings. For eight years he was a member of the Harvey Road Board and he was connected with other projects too numerous to mention. He was a director of the old Bunbury butter factory, and for 10 years chairman of directors, and the success of this enterprise is largely due to his stalwart support in the early struggling years. For 18 years, the late Mr. Rose was a member of the Legislative Council and he sat on many committees and Royal Commissions dealing with South-West problems.

After the death of his wife in 1926, the late Mr. Rose disposed of his “Bury Hill” property, reserving portion of the land for a residence.

JUSTICE OF PEACE The late Mr. Rose was a life member of the South West Club, in the activities of which he took a keen interest. He was a past master of the Freemasons’ Lodge and a Justice of the Peace for 37 years.

The funeral took place on Monday afternoon, the remains being interred in the Church of England portion of the Bunbury Cemetery, in the presence of a large crowd, who took the opportunity of paying their last respects. The last rites were performed by Rev. E. H. Burbidge. The pall bearers were Messrs W. J. Mann, M.L.A., S. Fry, R. L. Honey, C. Reynolds, J. L. Walker, A. V. Parkes, J. J. Verschuer and J. J. Blair. The late Mr. Rose is survived by two daughters, Edna (Mrs. Frank Slee), of Spencer-st, and Precious (Mrs. E. Johnston) of Leschenault. His wife, Janet, a daughter of the late Mr. E. M. Clarke, predeceased him in 1926. (Harvey Murray Times, 23 January 1948)

Arnold Jeffes Rose (1877 – 1952)

Thirteenth child

The funeral of Mr. Arnold Jeffes Rose took place in the old Picton cemetery on Thursday morning last, when the remains were laid to rest with other pioneers who had played their part in the development of the State.

The funeral followed a service in the Picton Church, conducted by Canon Burbidge, who also performed the last rites at the graveside. A fairly representative gathering, consisting mostly of those who had been closely associated with the late Mr. Rose during his life, was present to pay their last respects to one who had made a notable contribution to the welfare of the State. Mr. Rose, who was 75 years of age, was not only well known in the South-West but was a pioneer of the North-West of WA. After gaining experience on the land in the South-West, he went north and took over Quamban [sic Quanban] station, some hundred miles out from Derby, with his brother, Percy. His son is operating the same station now. After living in the north for 15 years, he came south and took up the Carlaminda Estate at Ferguson, which he later sold. At the time of his death he had been living in retirement in Bunbury for some eight years.

The late Mr. Rose was a member of a large family, only three of whom are still living— two sisters and one brother— the latter is 92 years of age and lives at Claremont, but in his time he was also a pioneer of the North-West. He is Mr. G. C. Rose. Other brothers were: Mr. R. H. Rose, Jnr., of Roelands; Charles Rose, of Wilgarrup; James Rose, of the old W.A. Bank, Perth; Edwin Rose, of Bunbury; Gus, Percy and T. L. Rose, of Burekup. The two surviving sisters are Mrs. Overheu and Miss Ella Rose. The late Mr. Rose found time, in a busy life, to associate himself with such ventures as the Wyadup Holiday Camp near Yallingup. He was a prominent member of the South West Club and for some time served on the Dardanup Road Board.

Old Show Society Days. The deceased gentleman played an active part in the affairs of the old Wellington Agricultural Society. He first became associated with this society when Mr. Fred Hamilton was secretary. After returning from the North-West he renewed his interest in the society and acted on the committee for some years. Later he became president. In those days the Bunbury Show was held on the Recreation Ground, but the difficulty of staging a two-day exhibition on the limited area and the inconvenience of droving stock through the main streets forced the society into purchasing the new show ground in South Bunbury. In this connection Mr. Rose played a prominent part and was one of the five who guaranteed the capital cost of approximately £4000. Added to this Mr. Rose made a generous donation of all the crockery needed for the tearooms and other requisites. While living at Ferguson and later at Bunbury, Mr. Rose retained his interests in the North-West and made annual winter visits there, but was always south again in time for the Royal Show, being a member of the society for many years. When relating his experiences in the Kimberleys, Mr. Rose made light of the hardships, preferring to dwell on the good-fellowship existing among the Nor’westers and the humorous incidents of station life.

Among his hobbies were fishing and shooting, but carpentry appealed to him most and his well equipped workshop was the envy of his many friends. Mr. Rose was born at Parkfield, at the head of the Leschenault Estuary, in 1877. He is survived by two sons and a daughter. One son has a property at Williams and the other is carrying on his North-West interests. The daughter, who resides in Bunbury, is Mrs. C. Rose. The pall-bearers were Mr. G. Clarke, Mr. C. H. G. Wood, Mr. Eric Johnston, Mr. C. E. Jenour, Mr. P. D. Slee and Mr. G. Roberts. He is survived by his widow who lives in Stirling street, Bunbury. (South Western Times, 3 July 1952)

For more information: They Rose to the Challenge; A farming odyssey of the Rose family in Western Australia 1852-2020 by Alex Campbell AM, published by Margaret Whiskin, 2021.


[1] ‘Parkfield’ is approx. 11 km north of Australind on the Old Coast Road and ‘Moorlands’ is in Glen Iris.